Our Vision

Return to us, God Almighty! Look down from heaven and see! Watch over this vine, the root your right hand has planted, the branch you have raised up for yourself…. Restore us, Lord God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.  Psalm 80:14-15,19

 Our vision is to become, by the power of the Holy Spirit, a community known for
highly engaging worship,
sound biblical teaching for all ages,
outreach-driven ministries,
and loving hospitality
– with each member playing a role in our desire
to welcome everyone into the life-changing good news of Jesus Christ.


We will glorify God with weekly worship experiences which engage us – body, spirit, and imagination – in the presence of Christ, in the riches of God’s word, and in the hope of all things made new.


We will grow as a spiritually healthy and mature body through

●    Saturating ourselves in the truth of the biblical narrative, its guidance, and wisdom

●     Helping one another develop fruitful practices of spiritual formation

●     Mutual encouragement to put Jesus first in all things, living what we believe

●     Drawing out the talents and gifts of each member to fulfill this vision


We will give ourselves to the urgent work of bringing those who do not yet believe into saving relationships with Christ and restoring those who once trusted him, but lost their way. Our gospel witness will be expressed in personal integrity, relational evangelism, serving those in need, and supporting missionaries in their work.


We will encourage and promote practices through which members can have life-changing relationships with family, friends and neighbors through acts of loving hospitality.


* Why is hospitality so important? In our era of pervasive discord, fracturing relationships and atomized individualism, those who offer the hearty welcome of loving community can be as effective in the service of God as the boldest missionary. Hospitality serves as our term for early-church concepts loaded into the New Testament Greek word koinonia
that is, gracious fellowship, sharing for the common good, generous and tangible expressions of welcome.
It identifies the love and unity that should exist within the Body of Christ, overflowing into the world.