Leadership / Staff


Owen Fulghum grew up in Roswell, Georgia and Jacksonville, Florida. He ventured up to Kentucky for seminary at Asbury, and down to Florida's west coast before finally coming “home” to Waynesville, NC, in 1997.

He's married to Cheryl, his best friend. Their three children are now off on their own adventures, but they all still love cool nights by a fire together, coffee-on-the-porch, and traveling to enchanting places near and far.

Owen finds great joy in music, stories and art, puttering in his workshop, hiking, cooking for fun, and home-growing tomatoes. His scripture anchors are: John14:6, 1 Col. 1:13-20, and Rev. 21:1-5. His confident hope? All shall be well.

Contact Owen

Michael and Hannah King and family

Michael King
Associate Rector (coadjutor)

Michael grew up in New Jersey, where he lived on music, bagels, and the New York Yankees. After studying music at Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ, Michael studied at Redeemer Seminary, following a call into ministry along with his wife (also Rev.) Hannah. The two of them have three kids – Isaiah, David, and Esther – who keep their hearts (and their insurance deductibles) full!

Michael enjoys a good story in any format. He also loves gardening, drinking copious amounts of coffee, and he spontaneously sings opera around the house. He was drawn back to the Lord through Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 11. 28-30: “Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” As a pastor, Michael attempts to seek the “gentle whisper” (1 Kings 19.11-13) of the Holy Spirit in all that he does.

Contact Michael


Amy Grady
Children’s Ministry Coordinator

Amy is a goat farmer, so when she says she loves kids and their parents, you know it’s true. She is the friend and volunteer everyone always hopes for, ready to serve with all her heart and with joy. Week by week, our children at The Vine are learning to follow Jesus—as their parents lead them, and as they are supported by Amy’s and other volunteers’ generous giving of time and guidance. She has a gift of making others feel loved and valued.

Amy raised two fine sons with the man whose beard appears in this picture (husband, Jon). They are both in passionate pursuit of Jesus.
Contact Amy


Amanda Evans
Worship Assistant

An NC native, Amanda moved to the Waynesville area after studying music at Appalachian State University. She is married to Daniel, and works as a flute maker (for real). She loves reading and macro photography.

Amanda’s passion is to see every person engaged in worshiping God through every aspect of the liturgy (and life), whether singing to God, praying the words of a song, or connecting to God through His Word. A verse and song that sum up the prayer of her life: Psalm 19:14 and “Be Thou My Vision.”

Contact Amanda


Chris Andrews
Priest in Residence

Chris is the pastor of Kerith Retreat in Waynesville, as well as a full-time software engineer. Prior to moving to NC in 2021, he completed seminary at Asbury TS, served with his wife Claire as the directors of discipleship at an Anglican church in Virginia and was ordained as a priest in 2018. Here at The Vine, Chris assists in the worship service and occasionally leads small groups with Claire who is a spiritual director. The Andrews have 2 adult children and are now grandparents!

Chris loves a good book, running at Lake J, exploring new places, and a good cup of coffee.

Contact Chris


Hannah King
Priest In Residence

Hannah grew up in the south but attended college in New Jersey where she met her Yankee husband, Michael. They attended seminary together and served at two other churches before coming to The Vine. Hannah is passionate about inviting others to experience God's welcome through the ministry of Word and Sacrament. She also writes about these things and is currently working on her first book!

Hannah is mom to three young children and is becoming a connoisseur of area playgrounds and parks. When time permits, she loves to travel, read, and eat cheese (in no particular order). 

Contact Hannah



As we learn the ropes of our new Anglican structure of leadership, our former “Elder Board” has become a Vestry. Throughout our church’s years, this varying team of prayerful, committed believers has been a steadfast source of godly wisdom, direction and protection. Our current Vestry is composed of the following members:

Chris Sequenzia
Amy Grady
Clark Williams
Marion Lane
Dionne Ghaussy
Dwayne Odvody (Sr. Steward)
Michael King, Associate Rector
Owen Fulghum, Rector

Keep these faithful folks in your prayers.